Showcase Origins
Ethiopia Shantawene
Orange Sherbert, Peach & Black Tea
In 2006, brothers Asefa and Mulugeta Dukamo founded Daye Bensa. They grow coffee in Ethiopia themselves and also help export coffee from their community out of Ethiopia to the world. Daye Bensa owns two farms and 15 washing stations. Through this network they process coffee from Shantawene Village, where they own a farm, as well as Karamo and Bombe. This lot is named Shantawene because most of the workers (many of them women) are from that village. Each year Daye Bensa hosts an Out-Growers Day. Nearly 1,000 farmers gather to celebrate their harvests and to receive second payments for their coffee cherry contributions. Daye Bensa additionally rewards the top three farmers from each of the three villages with certificates and cash prizes, recognizing them for consistently delivering high-quality cherries. Daye Bensa is hoping to work with more farmers in the future in particular to encourage women farmers and to work with Hawassa University, helping students research how to improve coffee quality.
- Sidamo Region
- Local Landraces Varieties
- Washed Process
- 1900-2300m Elevation
- Suggested Recipe: 23 grams > 50 grams > 38 Seconds

Brazil Serra Das Tres Barras
Chestnut, Nutmeg & Red Apple
Jose Wagner Ribeiro Junqueira is the latest leader in a line of eight generations that have farmed the land of Serra das Tres Barras. Working the farm is a family affair; his wife (Margarida) and their three sons (Kleber, Ralph, and Herbert) also work on the farm. They focus on producing high quality microlots, which is a unique approach compared to the majority of Brazilian farmers. Labor costs in Brazil are high, which is why the majority of farmers use mechanical harvesting. This is not the case at Serra das Tres Barras; they employ workers to hand pick only the ripe cherries (which is another form of selection and screening leading to better cherry and cup quality). It's wonderful for us to be able to share this coffee with you, from a family in Brazil who cares a lot about making great tasting coffee, to a roaster in Sydney who cares a great deal about roasting great tasting coffee, to you, someone who cares about drinking great tasting coffee.
- Carmo de Minas Region
- Yellow Bourbon Varieties
- Pulp Natural Process
- 1100-1450m Elevation
- Suggested Recipe: 22 grams > 50 grams > 29 seconds

Guatemala Las Mercedes
Brown Sugar, Zest & Grape
We’d like to share with you this lot from Finca Catalan de Las Mercedes, a remarkable coffee farm located in the beautiful San Martin Jilotepeque region in Chimaltenango, Guatemala. This estate has been family-owned since 1851 under the stewardship of the Hammond Family. Nestled among breathtaking altitudes, the coffee on this farm enjoys many benefits from being so high. Long maturation due to elevation has a positive effect on cup quality, paired with volcanic soil, and the fact that they have built their own wet mill in order to control quality and environmental impact, you can see why this coffee has such a positive unique quality. In addition to being focused on quality, Las Mercedes also wants to stand for education, providing a learning centre for the children of workers. Led by Nico and Angi Hammond, the Catalan Education Centre stands as a beacon of hope and opportunity for the farmworkers' children.
- Chimaltenango Region
- Red Bourbon Varieties
- Washed Process
- 1800-2100m Elevation
- Suggested Recipe: 20 grams > 50 grams > 30 Seconds