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All Coffee: Singles, Blends, and Pods
Our full range of coffee offerings. Single origins, blends, and pods. Decaf and organic options also available.
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Chocolate, Chai & Tea
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Coffee Brewing Equipment
Brew your favourite coffee at home or on the go with brewing equipment ready to help you explore specialty coffee. Our cosy mugs fit perfectly in your hands with a hot brew, while our keep cups are guaranteed to keep your drink warm on the daily commute.
After you’ve stocked up on coffee filter papers, consider mixing it up with your next brew and explore our range of rotating single origins.
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Alternative Milks
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When coffee is life but it’s not enough just to drink it everyday. We’ve got a white tee that proudly says it, and an apron to protect it from coffee stains.
Let us extend our hospitality straight to your door with a flexible coffee subscription to keep you ready to brew every morning.
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