There's more than one way to enjoy coffee
A lot of people's journey into specialty coffee began with french press, or what some call 'plunger'. Then, many progressed to stovetop, and then moved onto the 'real deal' - espresso. But sadly, most never return to these other coffee brewing methods. Coffee is complex and varied, and we believe it just wants to be enjoyed in many different ways. We love all methods of brewing coffee, each has its own nuances and peculiarities, and that's what makes coffee special, and a lot of fun. So let's forget about one method being better than another, and let's simply enjoy them all. Starting with french press.What you'll need
- French press
- Fresh coffee beans
- Hand grinder, or electric grinder (see our electric grinder suggestions here)
- Scales
- Timer
- Kettle.
Coffee to water ratios for french press
- 3 Cup (12oz) : water 350ml : coffee 21g
- 4 Cup (17oz) : water 500 ml : coffee 30g
- 8 Cup (34oz) : water 1000 ml : coffee 60g
- 12 Cup (51oz) : water 1500 ml : coffee 90g
- We use a standard ratio of 6g of coffee to 100ml of water.
- Add or subtract 1g of coffee per 100ml of water to adjust strength.
- Disassemble the french press and unscrew the mesh.
- Ensure that no old coffee is present.
- Clean and rebuild before use.

- Preheat french press with hot water
- Weigh out your coffee using the chart above
- Grind your beans as fine as possible without allowing any coffee to pass through the filter
- To achieve this, adjust your hand mill grinder to make the blades touch, then screw back five clicks
- Remove hot water from the french press and add in ground coffee

- Using a scale weigh out the appropriate amount of water (refer to the chart above)
- Set timer for 5 minutes and start the timer
- Pour water into the french press to saturate coffee grounds
- Place lid on the french press

- When timer sounds, press the plunger down carefully
- After plunging, pour and serve immediately

- Any leftover coffee in the plunger will continue to brew after you plunge. If you are not serving it immediately, you can pour the coffee into a preheated carafe. This decanting will eliminate over-extraction and maximize enjoyment.
- Weighing heated water is a great way to achieve accurate brewing ratios. 100g of heated water is approximately 100ml.
- A heated water temperature of 95ºC is best for brewing french press. If the water temperature is too low, the coffee will taste weak and sour. If the water temperature is too high, the coffee will taste harsh, bland and even bitter.